Spring 2022 Intern Introduction

Hello! My name is Kyle, I am from Allentown, PA and I am the Spring 2022 intern studying archaeology at Strawbery Banke. I am currently studying Classics and Anthropology and minoring in Native American and Indigenous Studies at the University of New Hampshire. I have a serious interest in underwater archaeology and hope to be able to pursue that in the future as well. Underwater archaeology studies our history through research of shipwrecks and underwater archaeological features. I recently visited the excavation of the Preble Site in York, Maine. This site was fascinating as it was a collection of 5 (potentially more) perfectly preserved cellar holes from houses dating to as early as the mid 17th Century! Along with that, some of the fence posts were still preserved in the frozen soil, and work is being done to interpret their function. 

I will be updating this blog with announcements and our findings both here at the museum and elsewhere. This summer I will be joining two archaeological digs in Turkey and Greece as well. See you guys next post!
