UNH Anthropology Internship Fall 2018

My interest in archaeology predates my time in university—but
it started with an early obsession with dinosaurs and a desire to be a paleontologist.
Some of my earliest memories are from about when I would have been about three
years old, using a plastic shovel to dig up turkey bones that my dad and
grandfather had buried in the yard for me to “excavate.”
These early memories—of having an encyclopedia of
prehistoric animals propped up in the dirt, ready to compare my finds to illustrations
of mysterious, long-dead creatures—got me hooked on the excitement and hands-on
learning one can experience through archaeology.
Currently, I am hoping to broaden my knowledge base regarding
historical archaeology and the work being done here in New England and New Hampshire.
Though my interests center around biological anthropology and archaeology, I certainly
have a lot to learn about the applied aspects of these areas. I’m looking
forward to learning more about the local history of Portsmouth area, and hope to
contribute and learn all that I can during my time at Strawbery Banke!
You have always loved your dinos! I Loved Strawbery Banke as a kid & an adult. What a cool internship-Enjoy!