The 2018 field school crew! From left to right: (back row) Alex, Alix, Emma, and Brianna; (front row) Emily, Kathryn, and Ella. |
Hey! Alex here with an update on the field school and the beginning of the lab school. Three weeks ago the field school started with rain, rain, and more rain. In the first few days the field school students got a crash course in washing artifacts from previous excavations at Penhallow House. Then, the weather cleared, and we could finally start work outside! Luckily for us, it was still school field trip season, so we got to talk to a lot of school kids, mostly elementary and middle school age, and other visitors!
Emma and Emily talk to the public! |
In terms of the dig itself, we started with eight units, arranged around the northeast corner of Penhallow House. Generally, we wanted to fill in some gaps in our knowledge about the Penhallow site from the past two years of digging. Penhallow is also slated for rehabilitation in the next few years, so further research on the artifacts recovered during the dig could help us interpret the house accurately in the future. Most of our artifacts, such as broken glass, ceramics, and metal, we found in a so-called brick-y layer, which was almost fifty centimeters (about one and a half feet) deep in some places! At the end of the field school, we had dug almost a meter (three feet) deep and found what may be part of the same cobblestone feature that last year's field school had also uncovered!
The field crew working! |
Making maps of the unit walls |
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