Summer 2017 Archaeology
Hello everyone! My name is Elizabeth and I’m this year’s archaeology intern and blog contributor. Before we get any further on updates, let me introduce myself. I currently study anthropology and natural history at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. Since I grew up in New Hampshire and previously excavated at a historical site in Verdun, Quebec, I have grown to appreciate historical and public archaeology in my home setting (that’s why I’m here today!). I’m very interested in bioarchaeology as it combines my two interests in science and archaeology, but historical archaeology has interested me since I was a child. Aside from assisting with the field school in June, I have a few other projects and goals for my time here. I hope to compile a video about the field school experience and the archaeology of Penhallow House so the public can know about what goes on behind the scenes here! I also plan to learn about how oral history interviews aid with the interpretation and research process with the Heritage House goals for the site in mind. Strawbery Banke emphasizes resident’s hidden histories at Puddle Dock, so I hope that my summer projects can better inform the public about unseen residents.
Like I mentioned, we are working at the Penhallow House location to follow up from last year’s field school, as well as the area north of the Red Shed behind Penhallow. There are currently guest restrooms at Penhallow House. Through the Heritage House Program, we plan to repurpose Penhallow, so the restrooms will be moved to an addition to the Red Shed.The Collections staff is continuing to research the history of the house. Last week the staff offered a presentation and tour for the Piscataqua Decorative Arts Society lecture series that allowed us to see the current interior of the house (pictured below).
This summer, you can expect this blog to have field school updates, artifact highlights, “Behind the Scenes” posts about SBM archaeology, and any associated information highlights from Penhallow’s unfolding history.
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