This photograph illustrates a unit we designated as Unit of the Day, N10E7. We picked this unit, situated ten meters north and seven meters east of the datum point within our grid system, due to its high artifact productivity most likely associated with a trash disposal area outside of the brick and fieldstone privy pit foundation. We removed a large fieldstone slab and encountered bones and large ceramic fragments. The artifact cache has proven more extensive that we first believed. The ceramics include transfer print pearlware (1795-1840), annular pearlware (1790-1820), transfer print whiteware (1830+), unglazed and lead glazed redware, yellowware (1830+), a large saltglazed stoneware crock sherd with a cobalt blue design, and a body fragment of a German salt glazed stoneware gin bottle (1850s-1920s). The concentration of artifacts also includes several butchered animal bones, a brass bullet casing (1910-1960), and a fragment of an aqua embossed glass bottle.

Our Artifact of the Day, depicted in the photograph above, is from a different excavation unit, N12E10, located to the northeast of the privy. This pit yielded a particularly rich artifact assemblage. Most recently, at over one meter below surface we discovered these large fragments of a creamware plate. The plate is creamy yellow, marking it as early creamware (1762-1780). The rim is decorated with a feather-edged pattern.
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